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Alternative Seminary

ITC Certificate Program

Leadership Symposiums



ITC Certificate Program

Dr. Rozario Slack is the Academic Dean for the Alternative Seminary Program. This program offers a prescribed system of study that leads  to a Certificate in Theology. The Certificate requires eight courses, using the Pass/Fail system. It is designed for ministers and lay persons who want to improve their knowledge and preparedness for ministry and Christian service. All interested persons, with or without a college degree, are invited to participate. Twelve continuing education unites (C.E.U.s) will be available to those successfully completing the program.


Additional information about the Governing Committee and Instructors will be posted soon!

Alt.Sem Strategy

Alt.Sem exists to train leaders to impact the culture for Christ by providiing

1. Biblically sound education with relavance.

2. Practical standards for leadership development.

3. Alternative tracks for ministerial training.

Admissions  Process
  1. Contact Registrar for Pre Admissions Interview at 423-756-8545.

  2. Following advisement, have your Pastor, or an Alt.Sem Governing Committee member, complete the Pastor's Referral form, and mail it.

  3. Upon receipt of your Pastor's Referral form, you will be contacted to complete an Admissions Application.

  4. A Financial Aid Application is also available online (link added soon)

Alt.Sem is a theological education program
  • Promoting a biblical worldview

  • Focusing on leadership development and spiritual formation

  • Preparing followers of Christ to actively participate in the mission of the Gospel, in church renewal and community transformation.

Two tracks of study will be offered in the upcoming year: The interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) Certificate Program and Leadership Symposiums. All Students, regardless of academic background are encouraged to consider Alt.Sem.

Alt.Sem Board Members

Dr. Elston McLain

Pastor Alfred Johnson

Dr. Roger Lambert

Pastor Tim Tinsley

Rev. Jonathan Johnson

Alternative Seminary

Alternative Seminary

Alternative Seminary
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Attend convenient classes

Biblically sound education with relevance

Reasonable costs

 and alternative tracks for ministerial training

Practical standards for leadership development and quality instruction with qualified faculty

Scholarship Fund


Help strengthen the church leadership of Chattanooga by donating to the scholarship fund. Please send funds via Cash$AltSem or make your checks payable to :

Alternative Seminary

4719 Brainerd Rd Suite 125

Chattanooga, TN 37411

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